Salt Springs is a second-magnitude spring that derives its name from its saline waters. The spring pool measures about 190 feet by 130 feet, with spring flow emerging from four vents in the limestone rock floor of the pool. Prominent, gentle boils are usually observed at the water’s surface over the vents. Limestone and sand are on the pool bottom near the vents, with the rest of the bottom covered with aquatic grasses. The north, west, and south sides of the pool are surrounded by a concrete wall that rises about 5 feet above the surface of the pool. The wall is topped by a concrete railing and edged by a 4-foot-wide concrete walkway. From the pool, water flows southeast about 4 miles down a broad run to discharge into the northwest corner of Lake George.
The spring is part of the USDA Forest Service’s Salt Springs Recreation Area. The recreation area is used for swimming, snorkeling, fishing, and boating.