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Prescribed fires help with environmental stewardship

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Latest District News

Prescribed fire today at Lake George Conservation Area in Putnam and Volusia counties

The District is conducting two prescribed burns today at Lake George Conservation Area in Putnam and Volusia counties.

November sees drier weather after October’s heavy rainfall

Following a rainy October, November brought significantly drier conditions across the region, with all 18 counties in the District receiving below-average rainfall for the month. Despite the drier weather, aquifer levels remain healthy, and 14 counties are still above their 12-month rainfall averages. Decreased rainfall allowed most of the water levels across central Florida (St. Johns River Middle Basin) to recede below flood stage.

October 2025 rainfall map

Hurricane Milton brings heavy October rainfall to the District

After an exceptionally wet September left soils saturated, the St. Johns River Water Management District’s 18-county region saw extensive rainfall in October as Hurricane Milton moved through, pushing water levels even higher, leading to flooding along the St. Johns River and many of its tributaries.

Governing Board Officers, Rob Bradley, Maryam Ghyabi-White, Cole Oliver, and Chris Peterson

District Governing Board re-elects current officers, emphasizing consistent leadership

The St. Johns River Water Management District’s Governing Board re-elected Sen. Rob Bradley of Fleming Island to serve as its chair. The Board also elected Maryam Ghyabi-White of Ormond Beach to serve as vice chair; Cole Oliver of Merritt Island as treasurer; and J. Chris Peterson of Winter Park as secretary. 

Water less web banner for 2023

Turn back the clock, turn down the sprinklers

As Daylight Saving Time ends on Sunday, Nov. 3, the District reminds residents to “fall back” their clocks and reset their irrigation systems to water no more than once a week.

Aerial view historic pump house at Lake Apopka North Shore.

District invites public to shape future of Lake Apopka North Shore

The District is hosting a public meeting to present the draft 10-year Land Management Plan for the Lake Apopka North Shore and gather public input on recreational use of the area.

Media inquiries

Ashley Evitt

Media Outreach Manager

Office: 386-312-2317
Mobile: 407-276-2400

Strategic Planning Workshop (2024–2028)

Play button for the strategic plan meeting

Due to technical difficulties, some audio is missing at the end of this recording.

Media resources

See some of our other resources

Kitchen faucet with a fixed leak which helps with environmental stewardship

Do your part to conserve water! Fix leaks, install water-efficient fixtures and follow watering guidelines to save water. Make every drop count!

Purple pipes which could be used with watering schedules

Did you know? Using reclaimed (or reuse) water is a great way to conserve higher-quality drinking water. Learn how reuse water is used in your county.

Environmental stewardship helps cypresses grow out of shallow water which effect water reuse

We’re committed to assisting communities and utilities to become more resilient in preparing for and adapting to changes in climate.

Butterfly sitting on a yellow flower, part of environmental stewardship

Find native plants, landscape design tips and more. Waterwise landscaping can help you love your lawn, save money and be a good environmental steward.