Technical assistance

Three people at a meeting with a proclamation
Goup of people at a meeting with a proclamation

Water conservation technical assistance

St. Johns River Water Management District staff provide technical assistance to water supply utilities, local governments and other entities on a wide range of water conservation activities.

Preparation of public supply goal-based water conservation plans

Goal-based water conservation plans focus primarily on the implementation of best management practices (BMPs). BMPs are actions for which the amount of water use reduction can be measured, such as with plumbing fixture retrofits. The district recommends that a goal-based water conservation plan include a system audit; an analysis of existing water use; water use reduction goals; selection of conservation BMPs and measures to be implemented; timelines; and budgets. The water use reduction goals set forth in the plan will be unique to each utility, depending on its current water use patterns and projected future demand. The circumstances of the utility will determine which conservation BMPs and measures are economically feasible and desirable to implement.

The district can assist in the completion of an analysis of existing water use for utilities that have account-level utility billing data, in association with county property appraisal data. The analysis would identify the most effective water conservation efforts. An alternative analysis is available to utilities that are unable or prefer not to use account-level data. Either of these analyses can be used to develop a business case (reduced cost and payback period) for reducing water use and lowering monthly water bills for customers.

Preparation of water conservation ordinances

District staff can provide assistance in the preparation of water conservation ordinances. The district has prepared a model water conservation ordinance for landscape irrigation. This ordinance implements the district’s watering restrictions contained in Rule 40C-2.042​(2), Florida Administrative Code.

The 2004 Florida Legislature directed the water management districts to work with interested parties to develop land­scape irrigation and Florida-friendly design standards for new construction. Local governments should use the standards and guidelines (2006) when developing landscape irrigation and Florida-friendly ordinances. Similarly, in January 2009, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and the University of Florida published a resource document entitled, “Florida-Friendly Landscape Guidance Models for Ordinances, Covenants, and Restrictions.”

In 2024, DEP updated the Landscape Irrigation and Florida-Friendly Landscape Design Standards for use as guidance in developing or updating landscape irrigation design codes and ordinances.

The 2009 Florida Legislature directed DEP to create a model ordinance to implement Section 373.62,
Florida Statutes, regarding the installation, maintenance and operation of sensing devices on automatic landscape irrigation systems. A Model Irrigation Controller Ordinance was prepared by DEP on Dec. 14, 2009.

For more the information on the preparation of water conservation ordinances, contact a district intergovernmental coordinator based upon your geographic location.

New and innovative technologies and practices

District staff continuously research and document new and innovative water conservation technologies and practices. New technology may originate from water utility operation; commercial, industrial, institutional or agricultural water users; or may originate from advancements or ideas in other fields that can be transferred to water conservation.

Annual Water Use Survey

This annual survey assesses estimated total water use within the St. Johns River Water Management District, with data arranged by source, category of use and county. Data include all water withdrawals from groundwater or surface water sources. Contact Tammy Bader at 386-329-4209 or

Utility rate survey

The district prepared a detailed report of utility billing for all public utilities within the district. For more information about this report, contact Tammy Bader at 386-329-4209 or