Monitoring data
Monitoring of water quality and oysters began in mid-January 2019, with efforts targeting other key indicators, such as vegetation, fish, birds to roll out over the next few months.
Sampling designs typically revolve around comparing areas near and far from restoration, and the frequency of sampling will be determined by the pace at which changes will occur, for instance, monthly, quarterly, annually.
Fish and crustaceans found at the Flagler Beach project area to date.
Common name | Scientific Name |
anchovy | Anchoa spp. |
Atlantic croaker | Micropogonius undulatus |
bay whiff | Citharichthys spilopterus |
blue crab | Callinectes sapidus |
clown goby | Microgobius gulosus |
common snook | Centropomus undecimalis |
darter goby | Ctenogobius boleosoma |
Gulf killifish | Fundulus grandis |
hard head catfish | Ariopsis felis |
Harris mud crab | Rhithropanopeus harrisii |
high fin goby | Gobionellus oceanicus |
Irish mojarra | Diapterus auratus |
ladyfish | Elops saurus |
menhaden | Brevoortia spp. |
mojarra | Eucinostomus spp. |
mosquito fish | Gambusia holbrooki |
mullet | Mugil spp. |
mummichog | Fundulus heteroclitus |
naked goby | Gobiosoma bosc |
pinfish | Lagodon rhomboides |
rainwater killifish | Lucania parva |
red spotted shrimp | Farfantepenaeus brasiliensis |
rough silverside | Membras martinica |
sailfin molly | Poecilia latipinna |
scaled herring | Harengula jaguana |
silverside | Menidia spp. |
spot | Leiostomus xanthurus |
striped mullet | Mugil cephalus |
tidewater mojarra | Eucinostomus harengulus |
![fish-crust Map of monitoring area of fish and crustaceans](
Table 1. Plants documented at different locations.
Location | Plants documented |
Restored reference areas (restored in 2011) |
Avicennia germinans (black mangrove) Sarcocornia perennis (perennial glasswort) Batis maritima (saltwort) Spartina alterniflora (smooth cordgrass) |
Unrestored reference areas | Schinus terrebinthifolius (Brazilian pepper) Juniperus silicicola (southern red cedar) Quercus geminata (sand-live oak) Opuntia sp. (cactus) |
Unrestored areas in the project (before samples) |
Schinus terrebinthifolius (Brazilian pepper) Juniperus silicicola (southern red cedar) Opuntia sp. (cactus) |
![vegetation Map of vegetation monitoring data](